# of Pics Est. Length Price
1-100 3-7 minutes $380
101-200 5-13 minutes $570
201-300 10-20 minutes $765
301-400 15-27 minutes $960
401-500 20-33 minutes $1,115
500+ discuss discuss
*Price is based on number of pictures used, NOT on estimated length.
*Prices include cost of protected copyright music. See FAQ for more on music.
*Scanning hard copy pictures = $0.50 per pic
*Video clips will not be an extra charge, however each 1-minute video equals 10 pictures. Keep this in mind when adding up your pictures and videos.
*Should you need to mail me hard copy photos to be scanned or VHS's to be converted, there will be a $10 postage fee for me to send them back.